Synopsis Planning
- Natasha
Synopsis 1
Mia Hall and Joseph Williams, a young couple living in a small bungalow style house in the secluded British countryside just outside of Bibury, with only their pet cat to keep them company. In Joseph's absence while he is visiting family in London, the unemployed Mia's boredom and her fascination with spiritual enlightenment urges her to attempt to create a home-made ouija board, drawing the lettering onto a glass table using a whiteboard marker and a drinking glass as the marker. After being unable to reach any spirits she is disappointed and rubs away the marker telling herself it was a stupid idea, however, after using the board she did not slide the marker to the 'goodbye' lettering. Over the next couple of days, Mia becomes very forgetful, misplacing items all over the house, finding that she has turned the television on but having no recollection of this. She also notices her cats extremely irritable behavior, with outbursts of hissing and violence becoming regular. It gets to a point where Mia begins to suspect an intruder in her house, however after checking thoroughly and realising her isolation she becomes aware that that cannot be possible. Upon Joseph's return Mia informs him of the events, to which he laughs and reassures her that it is unlikely that there are any problems and even if there were he was now there, providing more comfort in the presence of another person. Joseph goes straight to bed after his return due to his exhaustion from his long journey, this is when Mia is then left alone in the main area of the house once more. Mia then witnesses a chair slamming onto the floor and a cupboard fly open, she screams as a result of this and Joseph is woken up, he is angry about this and they proceed to have an argument, Mia being called ridiculous. Joseph returns to bed and Mia, hearing the shower turn on goes to investigate the cause where she is overcome by a ghost/spirit who is then in control of her body. The next morning Mia acts overly sweet and normal with Joseph considering their argument the night before, and when he attempts to talk to her about it she avoids the subject of the mysterious movement in the house completely. Over a period of time Joseph begins to notice strange behavior from his girlfriend, including lack of sleep, deteriorating appearance, lack of hygiene in addition to the disappear of their cat. One night, Mia runs to Joseph hysterically telling him that she had heard a noise outside and that she was worried that someone may be trying to break in. Joseph leaves the house with a flashlight and walks around the perimeter of their small house, finding nothing but a small amount of white cat fur stained red with blood caught under a shovel round the back of their house. Joseph returns to the house confused and upset about the found cat fur but also to tell Mia that there was no intruder however she was not where she was when he left, and after looking around she cannot find her at all. In addition, the fuse box had been switched off therefore the lights were not turning on. This is when Mia steps out from behind the open door, her silhouette visible in the moonlight. This is when she murders her boyfriend and proceeds to destroy the house, breaking and ripping apart everything in sight. After a week, the milkman approaches the front door of the house and hears hysterical crying and screaming from within, he peers through the window of the house in order to see if his help is needed which is where Mia is laying on the floor, having completely lost her mind and having killed her boyfriend.
Synopsis 2
Initial plot plan:
Woman never had kids, had dolls
Woman mad thinks dolls talking to her - kills herself because voices are unbearable and no one believes her
The woman's spirit possesses the dolls with the intent to make others experience the same pain she did
Dolls start haunting people, telling them that they are crazy and tormenting them to the point that they kill themselves
One woman who was effected by this, her husband cannot understand her suicide and looks into the reasoning for it due to the wife's mentioning of the dolls when she was alive.
He talks to a retired reporter who knows about the events that happened in the past with the crazy woman and about the recent suicides.
He explains the story to the husband.
He continues to investigate, speaks to someone who is experiencing the haunting currently & visits house which woman killed herself in.
After a while he starts to notice voices and movement in the corner of his eye which cannot be explained.
He faces the haunting as well, his life is in danger as he slips out of reality and sanity.
He, after breaking through the mental block being caused by the spirit, collects the dolls and buries them above the grave of the woman whose spirit it is.
Possible Character Names:
Antagonist: Catherine
Story Teller: Richard
Protagonist: Trevor
Protagonist's Wife: Jenny
Finalised Film Synopsis:
Following his wife's death, Trevor investigates the causes of her suicide. This is due to her uncharacteristic mental instability, he is convinced that there must have been a catalyst or cause of her death as he cannot understand her sudden mental decline, in addition to her mentioning of being mentally tormented by 'dollies'. Upon investigation, he meets Richard, a retired reporter who is aware of certain past events in conjunction with the similar deaths to that of Jenny, Trevor's Wife. He tells him the story of Catherine, an elderly woman with various mental issues experiences the effects of schizophrenia where she hears voices which she thinks are coming from her china dolls in the house. After being ignored and having no close relatives or friends to talk to, her condition becomes unbearable and drives her to commit suicide. Due to her deranged personality and rage towards others for worsening her state of mind, Richard explains that there is a theory in which her spirit possesses the dolls which were in her house with the intent to make others experience the same pain which she did. As Trevor investigates he believes the story more and more, visiting family members of those who have also died and speaking to those who are believed to be tormented currently. When researching the possession of an object, he learns that in order to contain a spirit when they are utilising something inanimate he must lock it away somewhere, with historical documents of spirits being trapped in iron cases proving to be the most reliable way to stop the haunting. He visits the house where Catherine's suicide takes place, this is where he is targeted by the spirit also. He then experiences the full force of the spirit's wrath, with mysterious voices tormenting him to the point where it is unbearable. After internally fighting in order to stay alive and attempting to flee from the dolls, Trevor manages to capture the doll which he has seen multiple times and lock it in a box, however, this is not effective and days later Trevor dies from the mental torment which he has faced from the spirit. This is because of the multiple doll possessions in addition to having a free moving spirit present, therefore his plan failed.